finch / cv |
London, England.
Lives in London
Reader in Visual Art Practice
BA Fine Art Course Leader
Central Saint Martins, London, U.K.
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- 85 |
College of Art, London, MA (Fine Art) Painting. |
1976 - 80 |
Ravensbourne College of Art, BA hons
(Fine Art) Painting. |
exhibitions |
2013 |
Engrams, Piper Gallery, London |
2010 |
Bare Life, Tableaux 2009-10, LAS galerie, Paris, September 2010 |
2008 |
Taken As Read, Moments Artistiques, Paris |
2007 |
Point de fuite / vanishing point, gallery 33 , Berlin, Germany, November 2007 |
2007 |
galerie, ‘Trisquare – Closer
Than You Think,
peintures 1996-98’,
Paris, February 2007 |
2006 |
gallery 33 at FON, Berlin, Germany, October 2006 |
2005 |
Galerie Pitch, Paris, France, November, 2005 |
2005 |
Sublimey, Galerie
Pitch, Paris, France, January, 2005 |
2004 |
Finch & Olivier Gourvil, Amilly,Centre,France |
2002 |
(with Guillaume Paris), Galerie ÉOF, Paris, France. |
2001 |
'Courant d'air', la vitrine
Paulin, Solre-le-château, France |
2000 |
1998 - 2000, Galerie ÉOF, Paris, France. |
1998 |
près que vous ne le croyiez, Gallery Art & Patrimoine,
Paris, France |
1998 |
Than You Think 2, Le Carré, Lille, France (May '98) |
1998 |
Than You Think , Purdy Hicks Gallery, London. |
1995 |
David Holmes Contemporary Art, Peterboro',
U.K. |
1994 |
Purdy Hicks Gallery, London |
1994 |
The Union, London |
1993 |
Purdy Hicks Gallery, London. |
1992 |
Pomeroy Purdy Gallery, London |
1991 |
David Holmes Gallery, Peterboro', U.K. |
1991 |
Valence House Museum, Essex, U.K. |
1990 |
Nights, Pomeroy Purdy, London |
1983 |
City Museum, Peterboro', U.K. |
exhibitions |
2017 |
Inner Landscapes, Dafna Talmor, Ben Nason, Minnie Weisz & Mick Finch,The Sid Motion Gallery, London. |
2017 |
Remembering Henry James: The British-American Connection, curated by Beth Vermeer, 6-20 March, Museo dell'Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti, Genova. |
2016 |
Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am. Cheng Centre for Contemporary Art, 798 Art District, Beijing. |
2016 |
Academic Original Creative, SCFAI - Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Sichuan, China. |
2014 |
(detail), H-Project Space-Bangkok, Transition Gallery-London, Usher Gallery-Lincoln. www.paintingdetail.com |
2013 |
The Perfect Death – Horizons. The Lion & Lamb, London with Phillip Allen, Jo Bruton, Tom Chamberlain, Dan Coobes, Stephen Cooper, Sacha Cradock, John Dougill, Mick Finch, Rebecca Fortnum, Marilyn Hallam, Clyde Hopkins, Vanessa jackson, Mary Maclean, John Mcleod, Lee Maelzer, Dawn Mellor, Gill Ord, Tim Renshaw, Danny Rolph, Howard Rogers, Alan Shipway, David Small, and Rosie West. |
2013 |
Painting/Tableau/Stage, The Urban Art Space, Columbus, Ohio. With Moyra Derby, Stuart Elliot, Mick Finch and
Beth Harland. |
2013 |
Summer Saloon, The Lion & Lamb, London. With : Phillip Allen, Kiera Bennet,t Simon Bill,Juan Bolivar, Claudia Böse, John Bunker, Jane Bustin, Stephen Chambers, John Chilver Richard Clegg, Dan Coombs, Ashley Davies, Benjamin Deakin, Hayley Field, Mick Finch, Kirsten Glass, Andrew Graves, Hanz Hancock, Dan Hays, Mark Jones, David Leeson, Caroline List, Declan McMullan, Patrick Morrissey, Alex Gene Morrison, Joe Packer, Andy Parkinson, Dan Perfect, Daniel Pettitt, Clare Price, Fiona Rae, Andrew Seto, Francesca Simon, Lucy Stein, Michael Stubbs, Emma Talbot, Dolly Thompsett, Michelle Ussher, Jacqueline Utley, Covadonga Valdes, Caroline Walker, Mark Wright, Freyja Wright. |
2013 |
Dirty Pop, & Model, Leeds. With Dan Coombs, Mick Finch, Colin Smith, Richard Clegg, Andrea Medjesi Jones, John Stark, Sarah Pickstone, Phil Allen, Mark Wright, Nadine Feinson,
Michael Stubbs, Nelson Diplexcito, James White, Jake Clark,
David Leeson, Dan Hays, Duncan Newton, Peter Jones,
Gavin Lockheart |
2013 |
With Torch and Spear: constructing collage, curated by Ian Dawson, Winchester School of Art Gallery. With Team Shag,Ian Monroe, Chantal Joff, ,Kirsten Glass, John Stezaker, Alexine Chanel, Marcus Harvey, Joseph Cornell, Eduardo Paolozzi, Michael Therbridge,
Kristin Posehn, Jack Lavender, Jessica Taylor, Nicola Manuel,
Danny Aldred, Steve Cooper, , Louisa Minkin, Claire Mitten,
Mia Taylor, Ian Dawson, Mick Finch |
2012 |
Picture/Tableau/Screen, a visual symposium at the Herbert Read Gallery, Uuniversity for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, organised by Moyra Derby and Matthew de Pulford. With Derek Hampson, Jost Munster, Beth Harland and John Gillet, Joan Key and Anton Lukeszevieze, Nicky Hamlyn, Laura Lisbon, Andrea Medjesi Jones, Bob Matthews, Philomene Perecki, Ian Bottle, Kate Hawkins, Anthony Matt and Pat O'Conner |
2012 |
Ex Roma, A.P.T Gallery, London with Edward Peake, Dragica Carlin, Luke Caulfield, Graham Durwood, William Gharrale, Philip Allen, Martin Westwood, Lothar Götz, Mick Finch, David Smith, Diana Taylor, David Lock, Jessica Fitzpatrick, Fiona Macdonald, Vovadonga Valdes. |
2011 |
The Pavement and the Beach, Paradise Row, London, with Jean-Michel André,Jesse Ash, Alex Bag, Diann Bauer, Ashley Bickerton, Martha Colburn, Will Cotton, Shezad Dawood, Nooshin Farhid,Mounir Fatmi, Mick Finch, Claire Fontaine, Margarita Gluzberg, Jeremy Hutchison, Steven Le Priol, Edouard Levé, Peter Lewis, Guillaume Paris, Clunie Reid, SIGUI, Sol'Sax and Reena Spaulings |
2011 |
'One Day Wonder'. Valentines Mansion, Ilford, Essex |
2011 |
'The Producers ', The British School at Rome, Rome. Exhibition documentation, exhibition images. |
2009 |
RCA Secrets 2009, Royal College of Art, London (images of postcards 1, 2, 3). |
2008 |
RCA Secrets 2008, Royal College of Art, London. |
2008 |
oeuvres sur papier, Louisa Minkin - Gérard Diaz - Florim Hasani - Mick
Finch - Julie Lorinet - Régis Rizzo - Franz Ackerman, Las galerie, Paris |
2008 |
‘Spitting Distance’, Mick Finch and Guillaume Paris, Five Years, London. Exhibition documentation. |
2007 |
Las galerie @ se0ne, London, Mauren Brodbeck, Philippe Fabian,
Mick Finch, Regis Rizzo, Claude Temin Vergez |
2007 |
'Doubleuse', The
Nunnery gallery , Bow
Arts Trust, London,
with Pavel Büchler, Moyra Derby, Mick Finch, Jane Harris,
Gerard Hemsworth, Louise Hopkins, Richard Kirwan, Sadie Murdoch,
Katherine McKee, Ben Ravenscroft, Caragh Thuring, Amikam Toren & John
Wilkins. |
2006 |
dans tous ses états’, Artcurial, Paris, with
Anger, Arroyo, Basquiat, Bury, Cartiser, Castelbajac, Combas,
Condo, Dalek, Dion, Earnshaw, Errò, Finch, Galloway, Haring,
Huart, Interduck, Khazem, Khimoune, Kliaving, Lafay, Lavier, McMillen,
Mendras, Murakami, Ospina, Pavlos, Pennec, Pensato, Pras, Rancillac,
Reip, Ru, Saul, Schmid, Schmidt, Shallit, Spiller, Tianbing, Van
Caeckenbergh, Van Der Sterren, Ultra Violet, Yoshida, Ziwei. |
2006 |
Mode’, Fosterart,
London, with Olivier Gourvil, Jane Harris, Richard Kirwan , Monique
Prieto, Danny Rolph, Gary Simmonds, Daniel Sturgis,Claude Temin-Vergez
. |
2006 |
Suty, Coye-la-Forêt, France |
2005 |
temporaires au LAAC, (Lieu d'art & action contemporain), Jardin
de Sculptures, Dunkerque.
Amikam Toren, Jane Harris, John Wilkins,
Katherine McKee, Louise Hopkins, Mick Finch, Moyra Derby |
2005 |
The Metropole, Folkestone, England. |
2004 |
1 dessin', Galerie
Pitch, Paris. |
2003 |
dans ses passages/ Ce que porte la peinture", curated
Tristan Trémeau, with Aristide Bianchi, Gabriele Chiari,
Ron Johnson & Roxana Stoleru. Galerie
Pitch, Paris. |
2003 |
'Dessins d'ici', ESAD, Amiens,
France et l'espace St-Jacques de St-Quentin, St-Quentin, France. |
2001 |
d'origine non controlée', Maison de la culture d'Amiens
and the Espace culturel François-Mitterand, Beauvais, France. |
2000 |
pays où le ciel est toujours bleu', Orleans, France.
With: Bonnefoi, Corne, Fanchon, Gelzer, Joubert, Labussiére,
Madaoui, Monteault, Perrot, Phelipott, Prulhière, Rivey,
Taïb, Turpin, Urgano Bravo. |
2000 |
Wreck of Hope', curated by the Friedrich Society,
The Nunnery Gallery, London. |
1999 |
'Du côté du tableau II', with Bonnefoi,
Joubert, Pinceman,
Prulhiere and Richard. Galerie le Carré, Lille. |
1998 |
Gallerie é.o.f., Paris. |
1998 |
Jason & Rhodes Gallery, London. |
1998 |
'Suface', Art & Patrimoine, Paris |
1997 |
'push', Gallerie é.o.f., Paris with Cefai,
Colrat,Teisseire. |
1997 |
Ateliers Portes Ouvertes Des Artistes
De l'Oise,
Conseil Général De L'Oise. |
1997 |
La Biennale
d'Issy, Issey-Les-Moulineaux, France. |
1997 |
10 Jours de l'Art Contemporain, Galerie
Art & Patrimoine, Paris. |
1996 |
& Light', Jeffrey Coploff Gallery , New York. |
1996 |
Gallery artists, Purdy Hicks, London. |
1994 |
'Credo', Purdy Hicks, London. |
1994 |
'3/4 South Square, London with David
Hiscock. |
1994 |
Contemporary Art Society Art Market,
London. |
1994 |
' L'Ame
du Fond', Couvent des Cordeliers,
Paris (F.R.A.C. d'Ile de France). |
1994 |
'Drawing', Purdy Hicks, London. |
1993 |
'Le Sens
Figuré'. Tour of Canada : Centre Culturel Pierrefonds,
Galerie Les3 C, La Salle,
Maison de la Culture Côte-des Nieges,Studio A Montreal. |
1993 |
'Credo', Purdy Hicks, London.Europ 'Art
Sans Frontieres Espace Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris. |
1993 |
'What Are They Doing Now', Artists from
BDO Binder Hamlyn Collection, London. |
1993 |
38e Salon de Montrouge, Paris. |
1993 |
Purdy Hicks Gallery Artists, London. |
1993 |
Colas exhibition, Colas, Paris. |
1993 |
The Economist Building Gallery, with
Ayres, Porter and Budd. |
1993 |
David Holmes Gallery, Peterboro', with
Hilton and Minton. |
1993 |
Parsons School of Art Faculty exhibition,
Paris. |
1992 |
'Lo Cal', Institute of Higher Education,
London. |
1992 |
Parsons School of Art Faculty exhibition,
Paris; |
1992 |
'Le Sens
Figuré', Centre International d'Art Contemporain,
Montréal, Canada. |
1991 |
Works on Paper, David Holmes Gallery,
Peterboro',. |
1991 |
The Green Auction, Bonhams, London |
1991 |
International Contemporary Art Fair,
London. |
1991 |
Bohnams Contemporary Art Auction |
1991 |
Gallery Artists, Pomeroy Purdy Gallery,
London. |
1991 |
The Circle Project, Bermondsey, London. |
1989 |
'Metro', The Cut Gallery, London. |
1988 |
Summer Show, Pomeroy Purdy Gallery, London. |
1987 |
'Peter de Francia and Artists Who Studied
Under Him',
Camden Arts Center, London. |
1986 |
Summer Show, The Moreton Gallery, London. |
1986 |
The Druce Exhibition, Camden Arts Center,
London. |
1986 |
Group show Art Now Gallery, London. |
1985 |
Final Show, The Royal College of Art, London. |
1984 |
Six RCA Painters, Consort Gallery, London. |
1981 |
'Pacesetters1', City Museum, Peterboro'. |
1980 |
Paintings From Ravensbourne,Concourse
Gallery, London. |
1978 |
The Stowells Trophey, The Royal Academy,
London. |
1978 |
The Northern Young Contemporaries, The
Whitworth Museum, Manchester. |

2010 - |
Tableau Project |
2006 |
Room : a blueprint for painting, research group (Mick Finch,
Beth Harland, Louisa Minkin & Claude Temin-Vergez) engaged
with questions of painting and its contexts, workshop project,
Crate Space,
Margate, U.K., July – September 2006.
Project website : http://www.cratespace.co.uk/machineroom/
. |
and prizes |
2003 |
Foundation Grant |
1985 |
The Unilever Award |
1985 |
The Unilever Purchase Prize |
1985 |
The Neville Burston Award |
1982 |
The Milner Kite Award |
1976 |
The Wiggins Teape Award |
collections |
The Royal Mint Collection
Nelson & Hirst Fonds
Regional d'Art Contemporain d'Ile de France. Colas
Peterborough City Gallery
Neville Burston
County Nat West
The Groucho Club
BDO Binder Hamlyn
The Circle Ltd;. Partnership, London TI
Group PLC The Royal College
of Art |

fellowship / residence
2011 |
Abbey Fellowship in Painting, British School in Rome,
January – March, 2011. |
2005 |
Foundation for American Art Fellowship,
Musée d’Art Americain Giverny. |
texts and reviews |
2017 |
Article about the 'Inner Landscapes' exhibition at the Sid Motion Gallery in Wallpaper Magazine by James Warren. |
2017 |
Article about the 'Inner Landscapes' exhibition at the Sid Motion Gallery in AnOther Magazine by Billie Muraben. |
2009 |
"Cuestion de visibilidad" , dossier "Abstraccion hoy" by Tristan Trémeau, Exit Express magazine n°46 octobre 2009. Featured in the article Cuestion de visibilidad by Tristan Trémeau, about the contemporary context of painting, for the Spanish journal Exit Express. |
2008 |
'Montages de quelques archives du travail du travail de (l'histoire de) art' article by Tristan Trémeau, L'Art Même N°38, bruxelles, 1e trimestre 2008 |
2005 |
Tristan Trémeau, ‘Le
Tact du Tableau’, Art 21, N° 3. |
2005 |
Tristan Trémeau, ‘
Soudain, les fantômes
théologiques de l’image vinrent à ma rencontre
‘, L’Art Même, 2e trimestre, 2005. |
2004 |
Stéphane Doré,
Mick Finch et Olivier Gourvil, Amilly,Centre, exhibition catalogue. |
2001 |
Review of the exhibition
d'origine non contrôlée'
by Tristan Trémeau, Artpress 274, December,2001 |
2001 |
'Le Crisscross pop art /
supports-surfaces croiser les faire'
byTristan Trémeau, Ligeia, Special edition, 'Nouvelles
abstractions'. |
2001 |
Review of the exhibition
'Courant d'air'; 'L'art sans territoire fixe'
by Amandine Delcourt, DDO n°44. |
2000 |
Review of the exhibition 'Le pays où
le ciel est toujours bleu', 'Trans/formes', France Culture, 7
June 2000. |
2000 |
Review of the 'Wreck of Hope' by Michael
Wilson in Art Monthly, May 2000. |
1998 |
Review of 'plus
près que vous ne le croyiez' , by Tristan Trémeau
in Artpress, December edition. |
1998 |
Beaux Arts Magazine, 'À Voir' ,Oct. '98. |
1998 |
Pariscope, July 1998, preview in 'échos'. |
1998 |
the Image of Painting /A l'Image de la Peinture'
catalogue text by Philip Armstrong, for the exhibition
'plus près que vous ne le croyiez', Art & Patrimoine Paris,
France. |
1998 |
Critique', catalogue text by Tristan Trémeau for the exhibition
'closer than you think 2', Le Carré, Lille, France. |
1998 |
'Du Pré-texte à L'Oeuvre', article by
Tristan Trémeau,
DDO, N° 32, France. |
1998 |
'Artist Transmanche', interview with
Tristan Trémeau in
DDO, N°32, France. |
1998 |
Art & Antiquities du Nord, N° 7,
June - July - August. |
1997 |
'Push', feature on the exhibition, Elle
magazine (France), Nov. '97. |
1997 |
'Push' reviewed by Christophe Domino
for Accrochage,
Frequence Protestante, France. |
1996 |
review of
'color and light' by Dominique Nahas,
www.plexus.org |
1996 |
'Constable on Opium' catalogue text Friedhelm
Contemporary Art at Deutsche Bank,
The Deutsche Bank collection
catalogue. |
1994 |
du Fonds', catalogue text by Enrique Juncosa,
F.R.A.C. d'Ile de France. |
1994 |
catalogue text by John Milne and Mick Finch,
Purdy Hicks, London |
1993 |
Collection Colas, catalogue monograph by Fabrice Hergott,
Colas, Paris. |
1992 |
'Le Sens
Figuré', monograph by Bernard Goy,
F.R.A.C. d'Ile de France, Paris. |
1992 |
Preview by Alistair Hicks. Antique and
New Art, Summer edition. |
1992 |
Interview with Dominque Hoff, Bonjour
Institut Francais de Londre. |
1991 |
'City and Dogs', article by Enrique Juncosa,
Balcon N°38. |
1990 |
Nights', catalogue text by James Maw, Pomeroy Purdy London. |
1985 |
'The Final Shows', review by William
The Financial Times, London. |

catalogues / book projects / journals
2015 |
With Laura Lisbon and Dan Sturgis edited and co-author of the editorial for the Journal of Contemporary Painting Volume 1, number 2 on Simon Hantaï. |
2014 |
With Beth Harland edited and co-author of the editorial for Volume 1, number 1 of the Journal of Contemporary Painting, 'Painting and Cinema'. |
2013 |
Engrams, exhibition catalogue, The Piper Gallery, London with Notes on the Engrams by Mick Finch. |
2013 |
Edited Volume 12, Number 1, 2013 of the Journal of Visual Art Practice featuring the research papers from the Tableau: Painting Photo Object symposium at Tate Modern. Includes the article 'The Tableau Project' 'by Mick Finch and papers by Cristina Cojanu, Moyra Derby, Adi Efal, Francis Gaube, Atsuhide Ito, Laura Lisbon, Cédric Loire, Andrea Medjesi-Jones and Alexandra Oliver. |
2010 |
Bare Life, exhibition catalogue, Pinson Press / Las galerie, London,Paris. |
2010 |
Constellation, Pinson Press, London |
2009 |
With Chris Smith edited 'Writing on Practice', n°. 8.1/2 of the Journal of Visual Art Practice that also includes the article Studio Notes: Closer Than You Think, Ply-, Sublimey and Nevermind. |
2008 |
Five Years Periodical vol.2, n°.1, Five Years, London. |
2008 |
Taken As Read, Moments Artistique/Pinson Press, Paris |
2007 |
Point de fuite / vanishing point, Gallery 33/Pinson Press, Berlin. |
2006 |
dans tous ses états, Artcurial, Paris. |
2004 |
Finch/Olivier Gourvil, Amilly,Centre. Text by Stéphane
Doré. |
2003 |
(Group exhibition)
Dessins d'Ici, L'Espace St. Jacques, St. Quentin, France, Galerie
la Petite Fabrique, Amiens, France, text by Alain Snyers. |
2002 |
CD ROM catalogue for the
exhibition 'Appelation
d'origine non controlée', Maison de la culture d'Amiens
/Espace culturel François-Mitterand, Beauvais, France. |
2001 |
collection du Fonds régional d'art contemporain d'Ile-de-France',
catalogue and CD ROM of the collection. |
2000 |
The TI
Group Art Collection, Painting Graduates of the Royal College
of Art, 1975 - 2000, TI Group, London. |
2000 |
(Group exhibition)
'Le pays où le ciel est toujours bleu', published by the association
'20 rue des Curés', Orleans, France. |
1998 |
(Solo exhibition) 'plus
près que vous ne le croyiez',
text by Philip Armstrong (French and English),
published by Galerie Art & Patrimoine, Paris, France. |
1998 |
(Solo exhibition) 'Closer
Than You Think 2', text by
Tristan Trémeau (French), published by Galerie Le Carré, Lille,
France |
1998 |
(Group exhibition)
'Tech', text by Mick Finch (English),
published by Galerie é.o.f., Paris, France & Jason
& Rhodes Gallery, London, England |
1997 |
(Group exhibition) La
Biennale D'Issy,
published by the La Biennale d'Issy, Issey-Les-Moulineaux, France |
1996 |
Bank collection catalogue, text by Friedhelm Hütte (English),
published by Deutsche Bank, London ,England. |
1994 |
(Solo exhibition) 'N17',
text by John Milne (English),
published by the Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, England |
1994 |
(Group exhibition) 'L'Ame
du Fond', text by Enrique Juncosa (French),
published by the F.R.A.C. d'Ile de France, Paris, France. |
1993 |
(Group exhibition) Collection
Colas, text by Fabrice Hergott,
published by Colas, Paris, France. |
1992 |
(Group exhibition) 'Le
Sens Figuré'. text by Bernard Goy (French),
published by the F.R.A.C. d'Ile de France, Paris, France. |
1991 |
Bohnams Contemporary Art Auction, auction
Bohnams, London, England. |
1990 |
(Solo exhibition)
'Sodium Nights', text by James Maw (English),
published by the Pomeroy Purdy, London, England. |

published texts and articles by mick finch
2018 |
Recherche: un mode d'emploi. In: Passeur:enseignants & médiateurs. Exposer/Démontrer. Les écarts de la recherche en art. Art, enseignement & médiation, 3 (3). Opemap, Art, enseignement & médiation, Bruxelles, pp. 124-137. ISBN 978-2-9601926-1-2, http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/12260/ |
2018 |
Mick Finch and Andreas Beyer, Foreword to'Metadata'. In: Metadata. Bilderfahrzeuge, London,
pp. 9-19. ISBN 978 1 5272 1845 1 |
2017 |
L’Artiste Comme Chercheur: La céramique comme expérience, VOL 2, Journées d’étude, Les arts du feu à l'heure actuelle, published by Naima, Limoges, pp. 31-51. ISBN ISBN 978-2-37440-041-9
http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/12183/ |
2017 |
The Technical Apparatus of the Warburg Haus: possible returns
from oblivion. Philosophy of Photography, 8 (1-2). |
2017 |
The Warburg Haus: Apparatus, inscription, data, speculation. The Journal of Philosophy of Photography, 8 (1-2), co-authored with Martin Westwood. |
2017 |
DVD of a video discussion between the artist, François Rouan, Mick Finch and Philip Armstrong about Rouan's studio practice. The video was made to accompany the exhibition 'François Rouan - Tressages - 1966-2016', Musée Fabre, 2017 published by the Musée Fabre, France.
http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/11849/ |
2016 |
The Technical Apparatus of the Warburg Haus, in Headstone to Hard Drive, The Journal of Visual Art Practice. |
2016 |
Dead and Alive: Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas, in Headstone to Hard Drive, The Journal of Visual Art Practice. |
2015 |
Chapter, Synthetic Composition 1, 1923: Some Possible Constellations, in Wladyslaw Strzeminski : Czytelnosc Obrazow, published in English by the Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, Poland, ISBN 9788363820398. Contributions by Jean-François Chevrier, Mick Finch, Ekaterina Degot, Lukasz Kiepuszewski, Esther Levinger, Jaroslaw Lubiak,Steven Mansbach, John Milner, Luiza Nader, Michael Newman, Brandon Taylor and Andrzej Turowski from a conference held in 2011at the Muzeum Sztuki. |
2015 |
Eric de Chassey on Simon Hantai, Journal of Contemporary Painting Volume 1, number 2 on Simon Hantaï. Edited transcript of an interview with Eric de Chassey on Simon Hantai's work. |
2015 |
Simon Hantaï: Round table discussion, Journal of Contemporary Painting Volume 1, number 2 on Simon Hantaï. Edited transcript of the round table discussion about the work of Simon Hantaï held at the French Institute, 3 June 2014 François Rouan, Isabelle Monod-Fontaine, Mick Finch, Philip Armstrong, Stuart Elliot, Andy Harper, Laura Lisbon and Daniel Sturgis. |
2013 |
Notes on Engrams, in the Engrams exhibition catalogue, The Piper Gallery, London. |
2012 |
Chapter, Synthetic Composition 1, 1923: Some Possible Constellations, in Wladyslaw Strzeminski : Czytelnosc Obrazow, published in Polish by the Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, Poland, ISBN 978-83-63820-05-03. Contributions byJean-François Chevrier, Mick Finch, Ekaterina Degot, Lukasz Kiepuszewski, Esther Levinger, Jaroslaw Lubiak,Steven Mansbach, Luiza Nader, Michael Newman and Andrzej Turowski |
2011 |
Catalogue essay for an exhibition of Stuart Elliot's work, Seventeen Gallery, London. |
2010 |
Catalogue essay for an exhibition of the work of 'Thomas' (1941 - 2000), Galerie Michael Hasenclever, Munich. |
2009 |
Article, 'Studio notes: Closer Than You Think, Ply- series, Riposte, Sublimey and Nevermind' , The Journal of Visual Art Practice, n°. 8.1/2. |
2009 |
Review of the exhibition, The Russian Linesman, Hayward Gallery, London in artcritical.com. |
2009 |
Review of the exhibition, Figures du corps - une leçon d’anatomie aux Beaux-arts at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris, in artcritical.com
2008 |
Article , Notes From … Paris: Bridget Riley and Peter Doig at the Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris, artcritical.com, New York. |
2007 |
Article, 'Insidious' by
Guillaume Paris & Mick Finch with Cécile Dazord, for
the internet journal /seconds. |
2005 |
Review (written under the
name of "James Pinson") of a solo exhibition of Michel Paysant's
'Inventari(a'), Musée des Beaux-arts, Mulhouse, France,
Contemporary Magazine. |
2004 |
Review of Thomas
Hirschhorn's ' 24H Foucaul't, Palais de Tokyo Paris, Contemporary
Magazine. |
2004 |
Review of a solo exhibition of Eduoard
Pruhlière's work, galerie Filles du Calvaire, Paris,
Contemporary Magazine. |
2004 |
Review of a solo exhibition of Olivier
Gourvil 's work, The Gallery of the Ecole Supérieure
des Beaux-arts de Marseille, Contemporary Magazine. |
2004 |
Reviewof a solo exhibition of Dominique
Figarella 's work, Le Quartier centre d’art contemporain
de Quimper, France, Contemporary Magazine. |
2004 |
Review of a solo exhibition of Stephen
Maas' work,Galerie Fernand Léger, Centre d'art d'Ivry.Ivry-sur-seine,
France, Contemporary Magazine. |
2004 |
Article, 'Night
Shift', for a special edition on the 'situation of painting',
Contemporary Magazine (58). |
2004 |
Review of a solo exhibition of Pascal
Pinaud's painting, galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris, Contemporary
Magazine (58). |
2003 |
Review of a solo exhibition of Guillaume
Paris' work, galerie Nelson, Paris, Contemporary Magazine
(57). |
2003 |
Review of the Bernard
Frize retrospective at the musée d'art moderne, Paris.
Contemporary Magazine (56). |
2001 |
Review of the exhibition,
'Peinture: Trois Regards',
Contemporary Visual Art Magazine (33), London. |
2000 |
Buren', Contemporary Visual Art Magazine (April). |
2000 |
Review of 'La peinture après l'abstraction'
(MAM,Paris) an 'Tableaux: La peinture n'est pas un genre' (museum
tour, France), The Burlington Magazine, London. |
2000 |
Marquis Von O: A painting by Frank Stella?'
exhibition text for the Bonnington Gallery web site,
Nottingham & Trent University, Nottingham. |
1999 |
Review of the 'Laboratorium' exhibition
in Antwerp, Belgium.
Contemporary Visual Art Magazine (25). |
1999 |
Review of David Hockney's exhibition
'Espace et Paysage'
(at the Pompidou Center, Paris). The Burlington Magazine, London. |
1998 |
'Prime Cuts',
catalogue essay for an exhibition of
Nicky Hoberman's paintings. Published by the Entwistle Gallery
London. |
1998 |
Contemporary Visual Art Magazine (20). |
1998 |
' Notes on Tech', catalogue essay for
Jason & Rhodes, London and Galerie é.of, Paris. |
1998 |
Out : the work of Guillaume Paris & Malachi Farrell ',
Contemporary Visual Art Magazine (18). |
1998 |
Technology, New Painting?',
Contemporary Visual Art Magazine (17). |
1997 |
As Vigilance', Contemporary Visual
Art Magazine (15). |
1997 |
Real', catalogue essay for an exhibition of Torie Begg's work,
Wateroren, Theo Van Doesburgcentrum, Holland. |
1997 |
/Live ', Contemporary Visual Arts Magazine (14), spring 1997. |
1996 |
the Dialect of the Tribe Alive ;English Sculpture at the
Jeu de Paume', Contemporary Art Magazine (13), autumn edition. |
1996 |
with van Velde & Beckett',
book review,
Contemporary Art Magazine, summer edition. |
1995 |
Rouan', Contemporary Art Magazine, winter edition. |
1994 |
'Georges Braque', Galeries Magazine N°
61, Paris. |
1994 |
'An Endless Metamorphosis', the work
of Miquel Barcelô,
Contemporary Art, autumn edition. |
1994 |
'Battle of the Giants', Contemporary
Art, autumn edition. |
1994 |
'L'Hostage par Art and Language'
L'Ame du Fond, F.R.A.C. d'Ile de France. |
1994 |
'Pulling Faces', (Review of Art and Language
at the Jeu de Paume)
Contemporary Art, spring edition. |

conferences / seminars / symposia / colloquia
2018 |
Presented the paper, ‘Warburg’s Trans-disciplinarity: the iconographic and technical apparatuses’, for the conference, Itching Powder or “How much harmony?”Entanglement, Symbiosis, Porosity and Irritation in Transdisciplinary Collaboration at the Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht |
2017 |
Presented the paper, ‘l’Artiste comme chercher’, for the conference ‘Les arts du feu à l’heure actuelle :rencontres entre la céramique, le verre et les langages numériques, nouveaux lieux d’expérience et de recherche’, Labo CCE ENSA Limoges. |
2016 |
Presented the paper, 'Recherche: une mode d’emploi’, for the conference Exposer/Démontrer: Les écarts de la recherche en art, Acadamie Royale des Beaux-arts de Bruxelles. Audio file of the presentation. |
2016 |
Interviewed Jessica Warboys during the British Art Show for an event at Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery, organised by Paint Club East. |
2016 |
Presented the paper ‘The Technical Apparatus of the Warburg Haus: possible returns from oblivion’, in a colloquium event in the reading room of the Warburg Haus, Hamburg. |
2015 |
Presented the paper, 'The Technical Apparatus of the Warburg Haus', in the workshop event 'Headstone to Hard Drive III. Spolia, Relic, Data' at the British School at Rome. |
2014 |
Presented the paper, 'Dead and Alive: Warburg's Mnemosyne Atlas' in the symposium, 'Headstone to Hard Drive', organised by Martin Westwood with Louisa Minkin, Daniel Rubinstein, Martin Westwood, Judy Wilcocks and Elizabeth Wright at Central Saint Martins. |
2013 |
Tableau Plus with Philip Armstrong, Mick Finch, Stephen Melville and Michael Newman, Central Saint Martins, Research At Work, LVMH Lecture Theatre. |
2013 |
Painting With Architecture in Mind with Eric Alliez, Ed Whittaker, Alex Landrum and Mick Finch, Making Knowledge, Central Saint Martins, LVMH Lecture Theatre. |
2012 |
Presented a paper in the colloque Le comble de l'art at the École supérieure d'art et design Grenoble – Valence. Other papers given by Jérôme Boutterin, Béatrice Cussol, Paul van der Eerden, David Ryan, Christophe Viart and Emmanuelle Villard |
2011 |
Presented the paper Synthetic Composition 1, 1923: Some Possible Constellations at the conference WladislavStrzeminski: Readability of Images, 13-14 October 201, Museum Sztuki, Lodz. Other papers given by - Jean-François Chevrier,Ekaterina Degot, ?ukasz Kiepuszewski, Esther Levinger, Jaros?aw Lubiak,Steven Mansbach, Luiza Nader, Michael Newman and Andrzej Turowski |
2011 |
Organised, chaired and presented in Tableau: Painting, Photo, Object, Tate Modern, London with Philip Armstrong, Fulvia Carnevale, Jean-François Chevrier, Michael Fried, Laura Lisbon and Michael Newman. |
2010 |
The 'A' course: An Inquiry, conference at central Saint Martins, 26 and 27 March 2010. Participated in the session 'Art Education in 2010: Central Saint Martins Now.'
My conference notes for this session. |
2009 |
Panel discussion, 'Who is Art For': with Ingrid Swenson, Andrew McGettigan, Nick Lambrianou, Adam Knight and Mick Finch. Hosted by the Byam Shaw MA in Fine Art Course, 16 September 2009. Archive audio recording. |
2009 |
The Processes of Painting, How Art Thinks, the International Centre for Fine Art Research at the University of the Arts London. A one day symposium on Friday, June 26th 2009, 10 – 5pm at
the Swedenborg Society Hall, 20-21 Bloomsbury Way, WC1 - Speakers:
Stella Capes, Mikey Cuddihy, Jeff Dennis, Mick Finch, Rebecca Fortnum,
Dereck Harris, Katrine Hjelde, Vanessa Jackson, Paula Kane, Katie
Pratt, Mario Rossi and Daniel Sturgis. Mick Finch's symposium paper: Painting as Tableau. Tableau as Process. |
2009 |
Ideas and aperitifs research seminar at the International Centre for Fine Art Research, London. Click here for the Youtube document of the seminar. |
2008 |
Participation on the round table about the exhibition, Working Space
at the University of the Arts Gallery, Davies Street, London with J.J.
Charlesworth, Peter Fillingham, Mick Finch, Justin Hibbs, Guillaume
Paris, Dylan Shipton and David Ben White and chaired by Jane Lee. |
2007 |
on the round table ‘L'économie de l'art
: questions de production, de diffusion et d'exposition à l'ère
numérique’, moderated by Tristan Trémeau
in the conference SIANA
(semaine international des arts numérique et alternatifs), Evry,
France, with : Hélène Mugnier, conseil art-entreprise, Pascale Ract,
artiste consultante pour Mona Lisa et Société Réaliste,
d’artistes. |
2003 |
Gallery discussion
during the exhibition "L'art
dans ses passages/ Ce que porte la peinture", with Tristan
Trémeau, Aristide Bianchi, Gabriele Chiari, Ron Johnson
& Roxana Stoleru. Galerie Pitch, Paris.
2003 |
in a workshop and on the panel of a conference 'Y-a-t-il encore
une critique d'art?' With Christophe Domino, Emmanuel Hermange,
Cédric Loire, Frédéric Maufras, Jean-Claude
Moineau, Tristan Trémeau , during 'FRAAP', La Grande Halle
de la Villette, Paris. |
2002 |
'Politics, Mass
Media and Artists' Responsibility in Todays World': Jerôme
Sans, Julie Thomas, Anton Koslov, Tristan Trémeau, Amar
Lakal, Marwan Bishara, Waddick Doyle. The American University
of Paris, 20 November 2002. |
2000 |
Tableaux: La
Peinture n'est pas un genre' with the artists - Monique Frydmen,
Bernard Joubert, Jean-Pierre Pinceman, Philippe Richard, François
Rouan. With the critics - Tristan Trémeau and Eric
de Chassey. The Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tourcoing, France,
5 February 2000. |
1999 |
the paper: 'Supports/Surfaces
: Contexts and Issues' for the conference, 'Supports/Surfaces,
Critiques of Modernism'. The Courtauld Institute, London, England,
27 February 1999.
1998 |
Presented the
paper: 'Theatre/Spectacle,
Absorption/Lived Time ' for the'Painting & Time'
conference, The University of Hull, Hull, England. |
/ radio |
2009 |
Inside the Art Schools, The Sunday Feature,
11 Jan 2009, 21:30, BBC Radio 3. |
2000 |
‘A quoi bon des école d’art’, on the panel discussion on Trans/formes, France Culture.
1996 |
'Accrochage', discussion about exhibitions by Walravens and Soulages, Radio F.P., Paris.
1996 |
'Accrochage', interviewed about the exhibition 'Un Siècle de Sculpture Anglaise', Radio F.P., Paris.
1995 |
Interviewed for a programme about George Braque, France Culture . |

/ academic
2013 - present |
Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Contemporary Painting published by Intellect,U.K |
2000 - present |
Member of the editorial board of the 'Journal of Visual Art Practice, published by Taylor and Francis, U.K. |
2014 - present |
Reader in Visual Art Practice
University of the Arts London
2013 - present |
BA Fine Art Course Leader
Central Saint Martins, London |
2008 - 2014 |
2D Pathway Leader, BA Fine Art,
Central Saint Martins, London |
- 2008 |
Professeur de couleur et pratiques picturales,
Ecole des Beaux-arts de Valenciennes, France. |
- 12/1999 |
Subject Leader in Painting, Kent Institute of Art and Design,
Canterbury, U.K. |
- 12/1997 |
of Foundation, Parsons School of Design, Paris, France. |
- 6/1996 |
year studio fine art tutor, liberal studies tutor,
gallery coordinator, Parsons School of Design, Paris, France. |
- 5/1991 |
tutor, Richmond College, London, U.K. |

visiting lecturer
KUVA, Fine Art Academy, Helsinki, Finland.
Ravensbourne College of Art, U.K.
Wimbledon School of Art , U.K.
Manchester School of Art, U.K.
Royal College of Art, London, U.K.
Royal Academy of Art, London, U.K.
Winchester School of Art, U.K.
Norwich School of Art, U.K.
Kent Institute of Art and Design, U.K.
Loughborough University, U.K.
Nottingham-Trent University, U.K.
Middlesex University, London, UK.
University of the Arts London, Camberwell College of Art, U.K.
West Dean, MA Fine Art, Chichester, U.K.
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
Ecole des Beaux-arts de Valence, France.
Ecole nationale supérieure d'arts de Cergy-Pontoise ,
Académie Royale des Beaux-arts de Bruxelles, Belgium.
Bath School of Art and Design ( Bath Spa University).
La Cambre, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels, Brussels,

external examiner
2012 |
Member of the jury, atelier gravure, La Cambre, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels, Bruxelles. |
2009 - 2011 |
Member of the jury, atelier dessin, Académie Royale des Beaux-arts de Bruxelles. |
2010 - 2012 |
Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, BA Fine Art. |
2003 - 2005 |
Camberwell College of Art, BA Painting. |
